Creates a new Account for any new Groups set as a billed group, no muss, no fuss, no extra steps
Employer Group and Direct Pay Accounts
Supports account setup on Group, Division, Region, or Subgroup levels for Employer-Groups with a Direct Pay account option for member-paid insurance.
For Plans that use structured groups, xpress™ AR Billing module bills by structure (Group, Division, Region, Subgroup) which maintains the data division for granular revenue analysis.
Hybrid System
The Hybrid Open Item/Balance Forward system allows organizations to track all transaction types for individual items, but also allows employer groups and individual policy holders the ability to pay in advance of billing so that new items are automatically deducted from their positive balance.
Customizable Security
Security settings are fully customizable for all screens, reports and processes. This allows for multi-tier access, providing robust security and controlled access.
Security access is required to run Billing with errors. If someone without access runs Billing and errors are encountered Billing will be halted until the errors are addressed, preventing bad data from being generated in the system.
Comprehensive data logging
Comprehensive logging on every screen for even the most minute transactions for auditing and transparency.
Comprehensive Error Reporting
The AR Error Report can be run standalone at any time so errors can be addressed as they come up, increasing efficiency and preventing roadblocks at billing time.
Integration of Custom Reports
Any dataset the user wants to see is available on a screen, but fully customizable report functionality also allows them to build any dataset they want into a report format that they can integrate permanently into the system.
Advance Payments
New open items automatically deduct from existing balance on reconciliation.
Batch payments via EFT or Lock Box functions
Supports multiple batch jobs for efficient payment processing.
EFT Payment request generator
EFT Payment request generator generates .txt files to submit to financial institutions for payment.
'Trial Mode'
Billing and End of Month processes can be run in trial mode, allowing users to verify data without effecting change.
When running End of Month processes to roll groups over for the next billing cycle, the system will display a warning and cancel the process if any groups are out of balance preventing data corruption.
Manual Payment Entry, Distribution, NSF, Undo and Void Functionality for Payments
Full control over payments to correct errors, and update payments. System will automatically enact balance changes based on these activities.
Auto and Manual Account Reconciliation
Can mass auto-reconcile or reconcile by individual payment, auto reconcile will always start with the oldest item, manual reconciliation can select particular open items to close.
Medicare Specific Payment Types
Payment types include CMS Member Withhold and CMS part D Subsidy payments.
Manual and Auto-Adjustment Capabilities
Automatic Adjustments for retro-enrollments and terminations and application fees set at the member level. Manual Adjustments available for any custom needs
Bad Debt Management
Allows for Bad Debt adjustments as well as Bad Debt Reversal
Quick Audit
Quick Audit function shows chronological listing of all AR transactions and the current ending balance for the focused account
Allows for manual reimbursement entry with option to print a physical check if needed.
Robust Reporting
Full set of canned reports in addition to the reports centered around the Billing and End of Month processes.
Reports Screen displays the progress of in-progress reports and processes as well as which user or process initiated them with date/time stamps, and maintains a permanent log of this information for transparency and auditing.
Any report that has ever been run can be accessed from the Reports screen as long as it has not been deleted from the database by a user or housekeeping function.
Any report, can be set to run now, later (at a scheduled time) or can be set to a recurring schedule.
Billing and End of Month processes can be set to run manually (now), later (scheduled), or set to a recurring schedule.
Group and Enrollment Functionality Access
Group Creation, Rollover, Member Reassignment and Termination can be performed by users with adequate security.
All Enrollment capabilities are accessible with adequate security; including, enrollment, disenrollment, and change of coverage dates.
Access to Enrollment and Group functionality allow for immediate access to member enrollment and group billing information necessary for answering billing questions from Account holders. Users with write-access can make changes in real time when errors are found.
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